Reasons To Wear A Motorcycle Helmet That California Riders May NOT Consider

For motorcycle riders in California and many other US states, the main reason to wear a helmet is a legal one. Police can pull you over via primary enforcement, meaning they do not need to observe you violating some other traffic law to stop you. Under the California Vehicle Code motorcycle helmet law, you can be fined up to $250 for a first-time offense and the penalties increase for subsequent violations. The hit to the wallet is enough for some riders to put on their helmet every time they hop on their motorcycles.
However, aside from the legal reasons, there are many other reasons to wear a helmet that motorcyclists may not consider. This information could make you realize that complying with the law is not the only factor. There may even be effects on your legal rights after an Oakland motorcycle accident, so note the following about helmet use.
Helmets Save Lives
Even when you know that this essential piece of safety gear is for your protection, a refresher on statistics is helpful. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that helmets save around 2,000 lives every year, and another 800 motorcycle riders would still be alive today had they been wearing a helmet when involved in a collision. By putting on head gear that complies with industry safety standards, you reduce the risk of death in an accident by 37 percent.
Head Injury Protection
Helmets do not just save lives; they also prevent trauma to the head. The skull offers effective protection, but it may not be enough to protect the brain from the violent impact of a motorcycle crash. Concussion, traumatic brain injury (TBI), and brain damage are common. The CDC reports that you cut the risk of serious, catastrophic head and brain injuries by up to 69 percent when you put on a motorcycle helmet.
Do Not Forget Secondary Impacts
A motorcyclist is not surrounded by a protective barrier, so the rider will almost always suffer a secondary impact after being tossed to the pavement, another vehicle, or other hard surface. A motorcycle helmet protects your head when first struck in an accident and prevents the serious injuries that can result from the aftermath of a collision.
Motorcycle Helmet Use and Your Legal Rights
Under California’s law on comparative negligence, victims’ compensation could be reduced if they do not take reasonable precautions to protect their own safety. By not wearing a helmet, you might recover less in damages – possibly not enough to sufficiently cover your losses.
Set Up a Free Consultation with Our Oakland Motorcycle Accident Lawyers
A helmet is required by state law, but you can see that there are many other reasons to wear one. For more information about your rights and remedies after a motorcycle accident, please contact Venardi Zurada, LLP. We can schedule a no-cost case evaluation at our offices in Oakland or Walnut Creek, CA. Once we learn more about your situation, we can advise you on the legal process.