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Category Archives: Neglect Abuse


Facts About Use of Physical Restraints in California

By Venardi Zurada |

When someone with a mental or emotional disorder is having an outburst, the priority goal is to prevent them from hurting themselves and others. In some assisted living settings, providers accomplish this goal through use of physical restraints. However, California regulations on restraints and seclusion are extremely restrictive regarding the situations they may be… Read More »

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Who Is A Mandated Reporter Under California Abuse Laws?

By Venardi Zurada |

The elderly, disabled adults, and individuals with certain medical conditions are vulnerable to abuse and neglect, which is why California law establishes a support system to protect them. There are certain people who must report their knowledge or a reasonable suspicion about mistreatment, based upon their role. These are individuals who are tasked with… Read More »

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Long-Term Effects Of Abuse And Neglect In The California Foster Care System

By Venardi Zurada |

Children are placed in the foster care system to protect their safety and well-being when parents are unable or unwilling to do so, but studies have shown that the arrangement is not always safe. Psychology Today reveals that up to 28 percent of children are estimated to have suffered abuse or neglect in foster… Read More »

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Shocking Reports Of Sexual Abuse At Children’s Summer Camps

By Venardi Zurada |

Sending kids to summer camp is a way for parents to manage childcare, help expose children to enrichment and experiences, and socialize them during school break in California. While many day and overnight camps fulfill these functions, a CBS News investigation reveals shocking statistics on sexual abuse at some facilities. Reporters discovered hundreds of… Read More »

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California Psych Hospital Liable For Sexual Abuse Of Patients

By Venardi Zurada |

A verdict in their favor cannot take back the devastating experiences of two victims who were sexually abused by employees at a California psychiatric hospital, but these victories serve as justice. A state appellate court ruled on April 5, 2022 that the Ventura based facility is liable to the victims for a total amount… Read More »

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What To Do About Suspected Abuse Of A Disabled Adult

By Venardi Zurada |

At times, families have no other choice but to place a disabled loved one into a California assisted living facility when they cannot provide the appropriate level of care in the at-home setting. Such a scenario is a departure from what many people view as the typical nursing home environment, since the resident could… Read More »

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