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Category Archives: Railroad Worker Injury


Railroad Workers Have Rights When Exposed to Hazardous Chemicals

By Venardi Zurada |

People across the US rely on freight trains as an important lifeline for getting a wide range of products to their final destination, but the workplace environment is a dangerous one for railroad workers. According to data from the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), there are almost 9,000 train accidents annually, including incidents in yards,… Read More »

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Defenses Railroads Use To Fight Your FELA Claim

By Venardi Zurada |

There was a time when the chance of a railroad worker being killed was 1 in 4, and the average life expectancy of certain rail employees was just 7 years. These tragic statistics changed considerably with passage of the Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA), which holds railroads accountable when an accident causes injuries to… Read More »

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4 Reasons Injured California Railroad Workers Need A FELA Lawyer

By Venardi Zurada |

There was a time when the average work lifespan of a railroad employee was not much more than a few years, but the employment environment changed significantly with enactment of the Federal Employers’ Liability Act (FELA) in 1908. Today, if you are hurt on the job while working around trains or performing work duties… Read More »

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FELA: Federal Workers’ Comp For Railroad Employees

By Venardi Zurada |

Many people tend to lump workers’ compensation concepts under one umbrella, but there are numerous programs that pay benefits to employees who are injured or killed because of work-related conditions. For those working on or around the more than 7,000 miles of railroad track in California, the federal workers’ comp system for railway employees… Read More »

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Overview Of Railroad Worker Rights Under FELA

By Venardi Zurada |

Working on and around railroads is one of the most dangerous occupations in the US, and statistics reveal the threat to railway employees. So far in 2021, there have been more than 2,700 rail-related accidents according to the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). These incidents have caused 260 fatalities, already exceeding the average of 241… Read More »

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