California Hospitals Graded For Fall 2021: Facilities from A To F

Everyone knows what an “F” grade means for educational purposes, so researchers at a well-known health care non-profit group carried over this familiar system when issuing their assessment on hospitals across the US. The Leapfrog Group assigns letter grades related to patient safety performance, and the results are based upon survey responses. According to the Fall 2021 Hospital Safety Grade report released on November 10, around 33 percent of California hospitals got an “A” – earning the state a #20 rank among all other US states.
However, it is also noteworthy that California health care facilities have slid compared to Spring 2021 findings. The state ranked #18 just a few months ago, but four hospitals dropped out of the A group due to preventable errors and accidents. You should discuss your situation with an Oakland medical malpractice attorney if you or a loved one suffered harm, since you may qualify to take legal action related to the areas of concern highlighted by Hospital Safety Grades.
- Infections: Basic hygiene should eliminate the potential for infection, but some facilities are lacking when it comes to handwashing and sanitization of equipment, rooms, linens, and other items. In particular, MRSA infection deserves special treatment because of its resistance to most antibiotics. Other problems in this category include infection in the blood, urinary tract infection, and sepsis.
- Surgery Issues: It is a case of clear error when a dangerous item is left in the patient’s body, but there are other concerns about procedures in hospitals. At facilities that received lower grades, some problems with surgery include:
- Splitting open or leaking surgical wound;
- Breathing problems;
- Accidentally cutting tissue; and
- Blood leakage.
- Safety Concerns: These issues may affect patients after surgery, receiving emergency care, or childbirth, while they remain in the hospital pending release. Problems are often tied to understaffing issues, such as bed sores and pressure ulcers that develop from lack of movement. Patient falls and injuries, especially incidents causing broken hips among the elderly, should never occur.
- Error Prevention: Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE) is key for preventing medication mistakes, as this technology acts as a check on the doctor’s decision-making with prescriptions. In the best performing hospitals, these solutions also support safe medication administration through bar coding. Health care providers can confirm the right patient, correct medication, and proper dose.
- Issues Related to Staff: Proper staffing and communication are critical in the hospital environment, starting from the top. Health Grades acknowledges that errors are reduced when administration makes safety a priority and works closely with doctors and nursing. Another aspect of staffing is ensuring that physicians working the ICU have appropriate critical care medical training.
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For more information on your rights under California medical malpractice laws, please contact Venardi Zurada, LLP. We can schedule a no-cost consultation at our offices in Oakland or Walnut Creek, CA. After we review your circumstances, our attorneys can advise you on legal options for recovering compensation.