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Author Archives: Site Administrator

What Are You Really? Independent Contractor or Employee? Call us to Find Out

By Venardi Zurada |

9th Circuit Extends New Test for Worker Classification Retroactively Last week, the 9th Circuit for the U.S. Court of Appeals expanded the reach of a recent California Supreme Court landmark decision, the Dynamex case, which made it more difficult for companies to classify workers as independent contractors rather than employee sunder California wage order… Read More »

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Rental E-Bikes Seem Fun But Are They Safe?

By Venardi Zurada |

Recent news reports citing defective front brakes of Lyft’s Ford GoBikes have prompted Lyft to remove 3,000 e-bikes from San Francisco, New York City, and Washington D.C. Uber has acknowledged that their e-bikes use the same braking system as Lyft’s e-bikes and claims that they have modified the bikes to address the malfunction, however,… Read More »

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Changes for Agricultural Worker’s Overtime Rules: What You Need to Know

By Venardi Zurada |

Many Agricultural workers know that they do not start earning overtime until after 10 hours of work per day or 60 hours per week. Agricultural jobs like spraying crops, growing, weeding, picking produce, milking cows, and planting nursery products have different wage and hour regulations than other jobs. However, this is changing. This blog… Read More »

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By Venardi Zurada |

Recently it seems as if many household products and foods that were once considered daily essentials are now being thrown out the window left and right as they are being tied to undesirable and potentially life-threatening health hazards. While some of these trends are more grounded in truth and scientific data than others, one… Read More »

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Who regulates our hours and working conditions? Overview of Wage Orders.

By Venardi Zurada |

Concerned about your payment or working conditions? Thousands of people are in your shoes. Know your rights and make sure you do not get exploited. “Who regulates our hours and working conditions? Overview of Wage Orders.” Have you ever wondered why a regular workday is 8 hours per day, or why you have the… Read More »

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Can doctors, and other medical professionals, be misclassified as independent contractors? Yes.

By Venardi Zurada |

Dr. David is a dentist who works out of multiple dental offices in California. These dental offices are all part of the same “network” of offices; they all work with an outside company that supplies marketing, HR, and facilities, among other things. When he first started working, Dr. David signed several “independent contractor” agreements… Read More »

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Sexual Harassment is a “Damned Dilemma”

By Venardi Zurada |

The public is now recognizing just how pervasive sexual harassment is in our society as we learn daily of new substantiated accusations against politicians, news personalities, and entertainers. Sexual harassment offends our basic human dignity and has devastating consequences on the victims. Yet, the unlawful behavior of many bosses and co-workers, has often been… Read More »

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