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Oakland Personal Injury Lawyer / Walnut Creek Wage & Hour Record Keeping Lawyer

Walnut Creek Wage & Hour Record Keeping Lawyer 

In order to keep employers accountable, they are required to maintain accurate records of important employee information for a certain period of time and make those records available to employees at their request. When an employer fails to keep the proper records, an employee may have a claim under state or federal wage and hour laws. If you believe that your employer is in violation, the experienced Walnut Creek wage & hour record keeping lawyers at Venardi Zurada, LLP are here to help you file a claim for damages. To learn more, call or contact our office today to schedule a consultation.

California Record Keeping Laws

California’s Labor Code mandates that employers maintain and keep accurate payroll records for each employee for at least three years. In addition, the employer must make these records readily available to an employee for their inspection upon request. Copies of employee payroll records must either be kept at the place of employment or at a central location within the state.

The state’s Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires employers to keep basic records about an employee, including payroll records, contracts, collective bargaining agreements, and other information for at least four years after a worker has stopped working for the employer, either by choice or through termination.

Required Records Maintained by Employers

Payroll records are required to have certain information that must be provided on each pay stub and kept in the records. This information includes the following:

  • Employee’s full name,
  • Social Security number,
  • Full address,
  • Birthdate (if younger than nineteen years old),
  • Sex,
  • Occupation,
  • Time and day of week when workweek begins,
  • Hours worked each day,
  • Total hours each workweek,
  • Basis on which employee is paid (per hour, per day, per piece),
  • Regular rate of pay,
  • Total daily or weekly straight-time earnings,
  • Total overtime earnings,
  • All deductions to an employee’s paycheck,
  • Total wages paid each pay period, and
  • Date of payment and date range of pay period.

If your employer fails to keep records of this information, you may have a claim under California wage and hour laws. Our office can help you determine what cause of action you may have for compensation.

Let Our Experienced Lawyers Help

If you suspect that your employer has not kept accurate records or is refusing to allow employees to review these records, hiring an experienced record keeping violation attorney like those at Venardi Zurada, LLP may be the only way to enforce your rights as an employee. An attorney understands the law and can compel an employer to turn over the records of their employees. An attorney can also assist in the review of those records and check for violations in their record keeping of payroll and other important information about their employees. To learn more about how a lawyer can help with your case, talk to us today.

Talk to Venardi Zurada, LLP

At Venardi Zurada, LLP our knowledgeable Walnut Creek wage and hour record keeping lawyers understand the importance of employers maintaining accurate records as well as their obligation to provide access to those records by their employees. If you wish to file a claim against your employer, call or contact our office today.

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