Family Files Wrongful Death Lawsuit Against Mental Health Treatment Facility

The family of a 26-year-old man recently settled a wrongful death lawsuit against a mental health facility in Los Angeles. According to the lawsuit, the decedent hanged himself while on-site. The house manager immediately called 911 but was unable to perform CPR and seemed confused as to the treatment facility’s address. These factors, the family alleges, led to their son’s premature death.
The facility recently settled the lawsuit for a reported $11 million to settle claims of negligence. Among the allegations leveled against the facility, the family claims that they made false claims.
According to the suit, their son was having a psychotic episode when he was admitted to the facility. The facility claimed that he would have 24-hour oversight of psychologists, a house manager, and the help of psychiatrists. Patients would be afforded group therapy and more services, according to marketing. However, the family contends that their loved one was provided with none of that.
In depositions, one of the mental health facility’s employees admitted that staff was not really trained in how to deal with someone who was high or someone who was having a mental health episode. In 2017, their corporate offices and treatment facilities were raided by the FBI. 8 months later, the decedent hanged himself in one of their facilities.
Lack of medical staffing noted as key problem
California currently has a crisis when it comes to providing services to the mentally ill. In many cases, facilities are run privately and for profit. In several of these facilities, having medical credentials is not a requirement for employment. Facilities routinely hire individuals with no medical training to run groups and oversee patients. They routinely fail to provide training to these employees and pay them close to minimum wage. Mental health providers currently have a lot of leverage over the state, so regulating the industry in California has become a major problem. A lack of beds for psychiatric patients and a dearth of trained medical personnel remain key roadblocks in addressing the issue.
The facility is now out of business
The facility which oversaw the care of the aforementioned patient is now out of business. They were sued by their insurer after facing multiple personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits filed by former patients. Their insurer accused the facility of committing fraud and won a $45 million judgment against the facility, essentially putting it out of business. The facility and its CEO have appealed the decision.
But problems like these remain a problem in Oakland and across California.
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