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Oakland Personal Injury Lawyer / Walnut Creek Sexual Harassment Lawyer

Walnut Creek Sexual Harassment Lawyer

If you are facing sexual harassment in the workplace, it is important to know that you are not alone. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), nearly 25 percent of women and twenty percent of men have experienced some level of sexual harassment in the workplace over the course of their careers. The experienced Walnut Creek sexual harassment lawyers at Venardi Zurada, LLP are here to help you after experiencing sexual harassment by an employer, coworker, client, or others at work. To learn more about your legal options, call or contact our office today.

What is Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment is defined as harassment with a sexual component and can be directed at both men and women in the workplace. Sexual harassment can come in many forms, with employees often reporting the following kinds of behavior:

  • Derogatory slurs, jokes, epithets, or comments,
  • Unwanted touching,
  • Unwanted sexual propositions,
  • Discussion of sexual acts,
  • Offering employment or other benefits in exchange for sexual favors,
  • Threats of adverse employment actions unless an employee complies with a sexual request,
  • Wrongful termination or other actions after complaining about sexual harassment,
  • Leering,
  • Rude gestures,
  • Displaying or “gifting” sexually suggestive objects, pictures, posters, or cartoons,
  • Graphic comments, sexually degrading words, sexually suggestive comments, or obscene messages, and
  • Someone blocking or impeding an employee’s movement.

Types of Sexual Harassment

There are two main types of sexual harassment that can occur in the workplace: quid pro quo sexual harassment and sexual harassment that causes a hostile work environment. Quid pro quo sexual harassment occurs when a supervisor requests sexual favors in exchange for an employment benefit. This could include hiring, promotion, raises, and other benefits in addition to avoiding negative consequences like firing, demotion, or transfer.

Sexual harassment that constitutes a hostile work environment can be initiated by anyone in the workplace, including a supervisor, coworker, other staff, clients, and customers. The sexual harassment must be so severe or pervasive that it fundamentally alters the employee’s working conditions and causes a hostile work environment. This type of sexual harassment must either be ongoing and continuous over a period of time or so serious that a single instance, such as an assault, is enough to trigger a hostile work environment for the employee. To learn more about the different types of sexual harassment and whether you have a case, talk to an experienced sexual harassment attorney about your claims today.

Call or Contact Our Office Now

Sexual harassment in the workplace is a serious issue that is prohibited by the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) as well as the federal Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. If you or someone you know is being subjected to sexual harassment in the workplace you do not have to go through this difficult situation alone. Call the office or contact the knowledgeable Walnut Creek sexual harassment lawyers at Venardi Zurada, LLP today to schedule a consultation of your case now.

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